Working together

To jointly think and do generates pleasure and special energy

We design and construct together, with users, with clients, with design partners. An open process generates energy to work on a collective story. New technology ensures smooth running. The result is not a blueprint, but a palette of information as a basis for open innovation.

Together with people

The role of the spatial designer changes due to social, economic, technological and cultural developments. The architect or urban developer no longer stands in front of a group as a presenter, but sits at the table as a teammate of all participants in the design and construction process.

Design as a collective process

We define the question and develop possible solutions together with clients, users, residents, businesses and community organisations. We do not apply a dogmatic handwriting, but we provide a clear framework in which all those involved can work efficiently and effectively.

Building Information Modeling

BIM technology allows us to compare possible solutions and to objectify a decision. The consequence of a choice is clear at an early stage, when the impact on quality and price is still high and adjustment costs are low.

Tom Kuipers

Want to know more about this expertise?

Tom Kuipers

Managing director engineering / bureauEAU

+31 40 20 05 300 | +31 6 55 19 33 87E-mail