Five-star sleeping accommodation in Groene Toren
15 June 2016
Next year, the Groene Toren on the Vestdijk in Eindhoven will accommodate a NH hotel with 132 rooms. Developers Foolen en Reijs also build 112 apartments in the tower.
Eindhoven will boast one more hotel, and not just another hotel. A luxurious branch of NH Hotels will open in the Groene Toren on the Vestdijk mid-2017. The guests of the 132 rooms also have five congress rooms, a restaurant on the thirteenth and a bar on the top, fourteenth floor at their disposal. It is the fourth Dutch four-star or five-star Collection hotel in the expensive segment.
According to general manager Max Hermers of ‘opposite neighbour’ Hampshire Hotel – Crown Eindhoven and the Holiday Inn, the new luxury hotel has an ‘added value’ for the city. “This is good for the city as it’s a different hotel from the ones we already had,” said Hermers, who is also chairman of the Eindhovens Hoteliersoverleg, the association for hoteliers consultation in Eindhoven.
Meanwhile, the renovation of the Groene Toren has been started by Stam + De Koning. In diederendirrix’ design the tower remains green with a lot of glass. There will be a large digital screen for advertising and information on the Dommelstraat side. The catering establishments on the ground floor will stay where they are.
Read the article in the Eindhovens Dagblad